We're Here to Help
Regester Chevrolet will be open for Service, Parts and Gas Monday thru Friday from 8 am to 5 pm. When you arrive for service we will greet you outside of our service drive. For obvious reasons we will disinfect your steering wheel, gear shift, inside door handle and outside door handle. When we are done with your car we will return it and disinfect the same areas before giving it back to you. We are now utilizing a newly spaced waiting area in the vacant showroom. This area will be cleaned often. As always we will pick up and return your car from your home or work upon request. This will limit possible COVID-19 exposure for you and us.
Our Sales Department in the traditional sense is closed. Our vehicles are online at regesterchevrolet.com.If you have any sales related questions you can call 717-535-4214 or text to 717-363-0848 or email regesterleads@gmail.com. We are capable of putting a deal together for you. Delivery would take place when it is deemed safe to do so.
We will update when circumstances change. Our goal is to serve your automotive needs within the parameters of current restrictions while protecting the health of our customers and staff. We hope to be back to business as usual very soon. Until then stay safe and healthy.
CDC Coronavirus Guidelines
The CDC has provided resources on what you need to know regarding COVID-19 at CDC Information on COVID-19.